Jazzing Up the Studio!

We’ve been adding some SLC flare to our video studio, and little by little- it’s coming along quite nicely! Check out the photos below for a quick visual tour.

Denny had to star in our recent YouTube video to show off our progress!

Meet Our Newest Addition to the Shop!

Here at SLC our jobs just keep getting bigger and bigger! This demands even more equipment so we can meet your needs, and our newest edition to our not-so-little machine family is a Camoga industrial splitter! This gorgeous beauty comes from Campbell-Randall Leather Machine Company, and Rusty and the rest of us are very excited about how much more splitting we can get done for you!  

So why a new Splitter? Well, we here at SLC have a large splitter and two small ones, which is amazing, but when it comes to medium-sized leather we have to put them through the large splitter, which puts that much more of a load on the big ol’ guy. So, our Camoga solves this problem by being a medium-sized splitter: Taking some of the work off of our large splitter and splitting medium-sized leather at a higher quality! It’s a win-win!

Check out the images below of our exciting unboxing and the sight of our new Camoga’s home: