Can you make a video on how to add rivets/spots with 2 prongs on the back? Also, when adding prong-back rivets/spots to stitched layers of leather, is it ok for the prongs not to reach all the way through the back of the leather or should the prongs be long enough to go through completely and be folded down on the back side?

Those two-pronged rivets are called harness spots and they do need to reach all the way through the leather and bend to be secured fully – just like brads. 

Setting spots is pretty similar to setting snaps. You want to use a maul or wooden/poly mallet. You need a hard surface, but in this case, you’ll want to make sure you that you are using some metal to reinforce your spot so that the tails bend back securely. For that, you can use the nifty metal piece that comes in our spot setting kit along with poundo/poly board and marble/granite or just use a piece of steel (or other hard metal), like Denny. No matter what you use, keep in mind that it needs to be very hard so that it will bend the tails of your spot. It may take you a few tries to get the proper hang of things, so be sure to test setting a spot on some scrap leather first.


Your setter definitely needs to match your spot size since you’ll be placing the spot inside the setter. Last, you’ll have to put some power behind your mallet or maul. Due to the rounded nature of the setter, giving your spot a few extra taps should not distort its shape.

Here you’ll find a very roughly cut video of Denny demonstrating setting spots. You’ll notice that even a master craftsman has a tough time getting things right every time, but you can always start things anew. 

Happy setting! 

International Orders at Springfield Leather Company


The ability to serve a global audience is something that we take pride in, so we’ve changed the way we serve our customers from afar.

We are still taking international orders big and small, but we want your experience to be custom, just like you!

To ensure that you get the best service available, we ask that you place your orders by email or over the phone with one of our representatives to make sure that you’re getting the best shipping rates and you’re not ordering something that we can’t mail to your country. 

We have a toll free number that won’t run up your phone bill and an online form for you to fill out if the phone just isn’t your speed. 

You’ll corresponding with people like Monique, a member of our customer service team. Our team will help you find the items that you’re looking for and find the lowest shipping rate available for you. 

Here are some things you need to know for international orders.

There are a few ways to contact us 

You can place your international order using our online form, or by sending an email to or call us toll-free at +18006688518

There may be things we can’t mail to you

We don’t have a definitive list of these things as they vary by country. Here are a few things that are commonly not allowed: 

  • Flammables – flammable chemicals generally cannot be mailed internationally. Many shipments are sent via airplane, where chemicals are not allowed on board. 
    • If you’re not sure if the chemical you’re looking for is flammable, check the product listing or check out our catalog. There is a digital version available. 
  • Exotic Leathers – this one varies quite a bit by country, but exotic animals include reptiles (snakes, alligators, etc.), kangaroos (including lace), ostrich, elephant, warthog, camel, giraffe and other specialty leathers. 
    • Most countries have restrictions on animals that are not farmed there. For example: kangaroo would not be considered an exotic leather in Australia, but is considered exotic for nearly ever other country. 

If you are interested in any items like these, be sure to check your country’s postal service guidelines. If, for some reason, we ship an item to you that is not allowed in your country, that package will likely not be returned to us and we will be unable to issue a refund. 

We must declare the full price of the items you are ordering

Some countries apply a tax, tariff, or customs/duties fee to packages that are shipped into the country. The cost of those fees are the responsibility of the recipient of a package (you) and are often based on the value of the package. We must declare the full value of the package as dictated by the invoice included or we could face serious legal consequences. That means we cannot declare your shipment as a gift. We cannot estimate the cost of any of these fees for you. We encourage you to look into your country’s postal service guidelines for more information on additional fees for receiving international packages. 

Payments are primarily processed through PayPal

PayPal is the simplest and most secure way for us to process payments from customers. We will always send a full itemized quote before sending an invoice (or payment request) via PayPal. Of course, there are always exceptions. If you have questions, be sure to mention that in your email or over the phone. 

Shipments are primarily sent through DHL 

Most of our international shipments are shipped via DHL as they offer good rates and allow more detailed tracking information. Other services often don’t offer tracking outside of the US and make it harder for us to help you with your order once it reaches your country. If, for some reason, DHL is not a good option for you, please be sure to mention that in your email or over the phone. 

If you’re in a rush, pick up the phone

If you need your order submitted as quickly as possible, give us a call instead of ordering through our online form. Email correspondence takes time, especially when you consider time differences and availability. Your ordering process will go much more quickly over the phone. Be sure to give us a call between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. CST Monday – Friday (take note that phone lines may not be available on Wednesdays until 9:30 a.m.).

This statement does not mean that ordering over the phone will cause your items to be shipped faster – only that placing your order will be quicker.

Please note that nearly everyone in our office only speaks English, so if you know that you will have trouble communicating in English over the phone, email is a better option for you.

Ordering more might save you money in the long run

Shipping internationally is expensive because vehicles have to travel very long distances. So, whether you order $50 worth of merchandise or $5 worth of merchandise, your shipping fee will cost more than the domestic average. If you are ordering less than $20 worth of merchandise, there is a strong chance that the shipping fees will cost more than the items you are ordering. You may consider waiting to order more items at one time to cut down on shipping costs.

If you have additional questions, be sure ask them! You can either ask your questions while you’re placing your order or you can contact us here. We have answers to more general questions like buying leather by the square foot, leather types and much more on our Frequently Asked Questions page

Tooling with Denny

Springfield Leather Company is comprised of many moving parts, but they all come together around leather. Recently, Denny has been spending time with the women who are at the heart of the company: our office staff. 

He has been teaching them how to tool their own projects and they simply can’t get enough of it! Here are some photos of today’s session. 


Why doesn’t your 800 phone number work?

It does to our knowledge. If you are calling outside of business hours, or if you call before 9:30 on Wednesdays your call won’t go through as we have a company-wide meeting on that day each week. Otherwise, it should be in perfect working order. Please let us know if the problem persists.